
Emergency Preparedness Info

On October 23, 2019, the Ocean Ranch Board of Directors invited Mr. Phill Robinson, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for the City of Laguna Niguel, to make a presentation about how we can be better prepared to cope with the types of incidents we may encounter in the future. His storngest recommendation is to sign-up for AlertOC Emergency Notification System.

Additionally, Mr. Robinson provided the following two documents, which may be helpful in understanding how AlertOC works, and a checklist to help in assembling items that would be useful to you in the case of an emergency.

Mr. Robinson stressed the importance of establishing a plan for you and your family. Important aspects of your plan should include a way to communicate with your family in the absence of phone systems and emergency supplies for 14 days.

Phil Robinson emergency coordinator laguna niguel
AlertOC Emergency Notification System
AlertOC CheckList